Reading Magic - Have you found any books as an adult that you read as a kid & forgot about? - Day 7
ReadingMagic - Do you still own any books that you had as a kid? - the Reading Magic Game - Day 6
ReadingMagic - How have you encouraged your kids to read for fun? -The Reading Magic GameDay 5
ReadingMagic - When did you first discover that reading could be fun? - The Reading Magic Game day 4
ReadingMagic - Who are your favorite authors of kids books and why? - The Reading Magic Game Day 3
ReadingMagic - What was your favorite animal book or story and why? - The Reading Magic Game Day 2
#readingmagic - What was your favorite book growing up? - The Reading Magic Game Day 1
#readingmagic - Join me for 30 days of blogging about the Magic of Reading
Is this a kissing book? Part II - My Review of The Vine Eater by Carol Beth Anderson
An Epic Adventure with Jenelle Schmidt
Dark.. Darker.. and Cheese... And Dr. Who
Zak Bates Readup Event No. 2
Zak Bates Eco-Adventure Summer Readup event.
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Endymion Spring - Proof that publishing houses aren't really any better than self publishing.
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