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Benjamin Fife
Feb 13, 20215 min read
ReadingMagic -What kid's book did/do you read to your kids over & over & over & over & over...Day 27
THE BIG BOOK. That's what we call it. We have literally thousands of books in our home, But when we say "the big book," there's only one th
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Benjamin Fife
Feb 5, 20212 min read
#ReadingMagic - What Nonfiction book captured your attention as a kid? Day 21
I don't remember which teacher it was that read it to me, but I know somewhere between 2nd & 4th grade I was read Sacajawea at school.
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Benjamin Fife
Jan 29, 20211 min read
ReadingMagic -What kids books have you discovered as an adult you wish you had read as a kid? Day 14
Being an animal lover from a very young age, I would have adored all of James Herriot's books. But... I didn't really grow up in an animal
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Benjamin Fife
Jan 16, 20213 min read
ReadingMagic - What was your favorite animal book or story and why? - The Reading Magic Game Day 2
How about you? What animal books did you connect with as a kid? Have any affected how you treat animals?
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Benjamin Fife
Jan 15, 20212 min read
#readingmagic - What was your favorite book growing up? - The Reading Magic Game Day 1
I don't own Dr. Seuss' brilliant gem I adored more than any other book when I was 7-8 years old. My elementary school library that year pro
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Benjamin Fife
Jan 15, 20214 min read
#readingmagic - Join me for 30 days of blogging about the Magic of Reading
I learned to love reading as a kid and chances are you did too. If you didn't... Maybe this could be a gateway for y
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